Home Brewing and Beer
NERAX - New England Real Ale Exhibition
- I'm the volunteer coordinator for NERAX, the longest continuously running real ale festival in the United States. If you have questions about the festival or are interested in volunteering, please fill out the Volunteer Interest form or contact me at
volunteers@nerax.org. Information about the 2010 festival, to be held March 24th through March 27th, go to the festival website.
- The 3nd Annual NERAX North, a satellite festival of NERAX was held from November 5th through 7th, 2009 at the Tap in Haverhill. For more information, please see the festival website.
- Flyer about Real Ale and the
Cask-conditioned Ale Support Campaign (CASC).
- Click to join the NERAX Yahoo Group
- I'm the volunteer coordinator for NERAX, the longest continuously running real ale festival in the United States. If you have questions about the festival or are interested in volunteering, please fill out the Volunteer Interest form or contact me at
volunteers@nerax.org. Information about the 2010 festival, to be held March 24th through March 27th, go to the festival website.
Boston Wort Processors
- I'm a member Boston Wort Processors, Boston's oldest
homebrew club. If you have questions about the club, please contact the club contact at vicepresident@wort.org or me at
- Boston Homebrew Competition
- I'm a member Boston Wort Processors, Boston's oldest
homebrew club. If you have questions about the club, please contact the club contact at vicepresident@wort.org or me at
- SODZ - Scioto, Olentangy, and
Darby Zymergists
- 7th
Annual British Beerfest Competition (aka: The Irwin Memorial (But
I'm not dead yet!))
- 7th
Annual British Beerfest Competition (aka: The Irwin Memorial (But
I'm not dead yet!))
- BJCP - Beer Judge Certification Program
- I've been judging and helping to organize homebrew competitions for about 10 years and currently I'm a National level judge. Recently I became an exam grader for the program.